RHEINZINK in South Africa
RHEINZINK - The world's No. 1 in titanium zinc
You are keen to select high-quality products for a special longevity of your construction project? With RHEINZINK as a service partner, you benefit from our extensive experience and our know-how as well as a range of proven product lines, innovative technology and an appealing design - so you can turn each project into a unique and recognizable one!
RHEINZINK Agent Sub-Saharan Africa:
WILKINSON Architectural Metals (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town
South Africa
Office: +27 21 671 2600
Mobile: +27 72 998 0218
E-Mail: stephen[at]wilkinson-am.co.za
Website: www.wilkinson-am.co.za/
Unique and natural
Only RHEINZINK has a special pre-weathering process in which, for example, the surface "prePATINA blue-grey" already corresponds to the color of the natural patina, ex works.
All brochures, data sheets and useful documents can be downloaded.
Please refer to our download centre and click on the respective category to find all answers and information on RHEINZINK products.
RHEINZINK Distributors and System Partners
Distributors in South Africa
Two Oceans Metal cc
PO Box 16017
Post Code 8018
Western Cape
South Africa
Contact: Birgit Lamm
Phone: +27 72 895 0245
Fax: +27 86 553 9117
E-Mail: birgit[at]twooceansmetal.co.za
System partners in South Africa
SAFINTRA South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
HQ’s Durban
9 Old Main Road,
South Africa
SAFINTRA Roofing Systems with RHEINZINK:
• SAFLOK 410 Concealed
• CLASSICORR Corrugated
Contact: SAFINTRA branches
RHEINZINK prePATINA line reduced by 50% of carbon footprint
In regards to the different aspects of sustainability RHEINZINK is now taking a big step forward with its prePATINA product line by reducing the already small carbon footprint by 50%, and calling this ECO ZINC.
Tshwane House - Municipal Offices
Tshwane House is a modern municipal centre that aims at bringing local government closer to the people by setting the tone for the spatial reconfiguration and rejuvenation of the inner city.
Nelson Mandela Capture Site
Nelson Mandela was arrested on 5 August 1962 outside Howick, Natal, South Africa. The Nelson Mandela Capture Site commemorates this moment in history with a visitor centre.