Declarations of performance

The declarations of performance for our products are provided for download here to fulfil statutory requirements. UKCA certificates are included in our delivery documents or are attached to the product.

In the interests of completeness, we must mention that it is not possible for our roof drainage range (DIN EN 612) to be awarded a UKCA certificate in line with construction products regulations. Therefore, no declarations of performance can be provided as this standard is not harmonised.

This has no effect on product quality. All products that we manufacture comply with the respective product standards.

Self-supporting products in line with EN 14782 (panels, profiles)

Declaration of Performance SP-Line with EN 1478232 KB

Seam sealing tape in line with ETA-21/0381

Declaration of Performance Seam sealing tape with ETA-21/038183 KB

For older declarations of performance, please contact us.